2023-10-24 12:00:00 Displayed 44 times

C3 v0.1.7 release

Today we released C3 v0.1.7 : https://git.kmx.io/c3-lang/c3/_tag/v0.1.7.

There is no stable branch, development tree is available as branch master : https://git.kmx.io/c3-lang/c3.


C3 is a programming language with meta-programmation and a graph database embedded into the language. It aims to be the language for semantic programming, and programming the semantic web.


Added features in this release

Next features for v0.1.8

Proposed features for the next release are :


Join us on Discord to help with development of C3.

You can also see the kmx.io donations page to contribute financially, any amount is appreciated. All work is financed through donations for now.