2025-02-09 19:22:37 Displayed 383 times

KC3, the programming language with eval- and run-time introspective semantics.

We released version 0.1.14 of our prototype for a semantic-oriented programming language.

The core of the language, the triple store and recursive iterator query system which we call facts-db, is used everywhere in the language. From sybolic computation to deep neural networks based semantic reasoning, computations of every order is possible with KC3 and facts. It is probably already Turing-complete though I have not built a Turing machine with KC3 yet (contributions appreciated). However the triple store and query system has to be capable of presenting data in any arbitrary order, meaning natural language generation through statistical and deep learning methods is entirely possible with this technology.

You can find all the code wich is open-source but use-only or run-only; be careful before publishing patched code, please send us the patches instead we don't want forks yet; on the kmxgit forge KC3 v0.1.14 tag page : https://git.kmx.io/kc3-lang/kc3/_tree/v0.1.14. Or on codeberg : https://codeberg.org/kc3-lang/kc3/src/tag/v0.1.14.

There is installation documentation and somewhat incomplete information on the language on the documentation website : https://kc3-lang.org/doc/3_Guides/3.1_Install, and there is a Dockerfile at the root of the project. It is untested, we don't use Docker, please report on Discord if you have positive or negative experience.

If you manage to get the source and compile it and run it, you can see that make test_httpd runs the documentation website locally. The KC3 HTTPd server is an evented, multithreaded HTTP server serving dynamically routed requests into an MVC framework backed by C and programmable in KC3. The code is loaded once and is not alterable once loaded, there is no auto reloading capacity.

Happy hacking !